New Fuel System
Positive changes have arrived at Huronia Airport once again! As of January 2021, Huronia Airport has a brand new, fully functional, above ground fueling system. Thanks to this new addition, Huronia Airport has continued to provide quality fuel and service to aviators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon the posting of these articles, Huronia Airport has continued to surpass its 2020 fuel sales, boasting a 40% increase from the previous year!

Not only is this an exciting new addition for Huronia Airport but it also allows the Airport Commission, as well as the Task Force, to check off another box from Loomex’s list of recommendations.

This new fuel system expands the range of aircraft that can visit Huronia Airport in need of fuel. The new system pumps both Avgas (100LL) and Jet A1 Fuel. Avgas can be used in the small piston engine powered aircraft whereas Jet A1 fuel can be used in aircraft that are powered by gas-turbine engine(s), including jets. Additionally, the new fuel system will be able to fill aircrafts much faster, allowing aviators to return to the skies quickly and efficiently.

Huronia Airport continues to be a favorite for aviators looking for an airport to refuel thanks to its competitive low fuel prices and welcoming atmosphere.